
The Ludlow project is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

To make this a user-friendly environment the area was weaved with transportation routes, existing buildings, new mixed-use buildings and nature.

The transportation routes will be integrated into the urban fabric, nature, and built environment creating a more user-friendly connection to move threw the community effortlessly. The transportation proposal consists of bike routes, pedestrian pathways, and a new train station stop that will bring a major transit stop to the Ludlow district.

There will be a retail district to bring jobs to the area so Ludlow can rebuild itself with its working community.

Incorporating and increasing public amenities to promote growth in the area, such as more park space, sidewalks, trees, and expanding the recreational center to attract other nearby communities.

The park has changes in elevation of the pathways to give the pedestrian different looks at the area they normally experience.

The idea is to provide alternative transportation parking in more convenient areas to encourage healthier ways of travel in the community such as bus, bike, train, or hybrid vehicle.